7 Ways to Naturally Relieve Acute and Chronic Pain
For the 100 million Americans for whom chronic pain has become a disease in its own right rather than a set of symptoms, painkillers and surgery were the only two possibilities they thought they had to manage pain and be able to get on with their lives. Fortunately, today’s pain specialists are doing more than […]
7 Foods to Avoid If You Suffer From Chronic Pain
Millions of Americans suffer from some form of chronic pain. Whether it is the result of an injury or accident, or caused by a medical condition like arthritis or fibromyalgia, chronic pain can be incredibly debilitating, leaving many people unable to perform even the simplest of tasks. Although many sufferers have come to accept their […]
Had a Fender Bender? You May Have Undiagnosed Injuries
Automobile accidents account for nearly 85% of all reported neck injuries, with 85% of them being caused by rear-end impacts. When resulting from a severe wreck, it is easy to diagnose problems in the neck, since the symptoms are immediately present, but it turns out that even minor traffic collisions can cause injuries and chronic pain. […]
What Your Gait Can Tell You About Your Back Health
When you stop to think about it, our feet and ankles are quite amazing. Composed of 26 bones and 33 joints, this intricate system provides balance for our entire body when we walk, run, stand, and jump, all without the need for a second thought. But did you know your feet can also help diagnose […]
Treating Children’s Headaches Naturally
Children’s Headaches Children’s’ Headaches and migraines are not uncommon and usually are the result of non-severe ailments like anxiety, allergies, sinus problems, or ear infections. However, whenever a kid gets a severe headache there is always a glimpse of worry in the back of their parent’s mind that it might be more serious. This worry […]
Tips on Preventing Back Pain
For a majority of Americans approaching middle age, back pain becomes an issue that needs to be dealt with some degree of regularity, either through treatment or simple pain relief. For many, back pain develops into a chronic problem that impacts the quality of life on a daily basis. In addition to chiropractic treatments in […]
Massage Therapy Helps with Sciatic Pain
Sciatica is a word used to refer to any weakness, pain, tingling, or numbness in the leg that is the result of damage to or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that it renders a person practically immobile. Usually, sciatic pain is only one-sided. Anyone in Weston who has […]