Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel

Think about the amount of time the average person spends on the computer, texting, talking on the cell phone or playing video games. With so much repetition to the hand and wrist, it’s no wonder that Windmill Health Center has seen the incidences of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) increase dramatically! The good news is that our Weston chiropractors have been very successful in treating carpal tunnel syndrome nonsurgically, without relying on powerful medications to reduce debilitating pain.

What is carpal tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve — the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. It can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers. The area in the wrist where the nerve enters the hand is called the carpal tunnel. The tunnel is normally narrow, so any swelling can pinch the nerve and cause a painful, progressive condition.

Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome:

According to the Mayo Clinic, many things contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Heredity is the most important factor – carpal tunnels are smaller in some people, and this trait can run in families.
  • Hand use over time can play a role.
  • Hormonal changes related to pregnancy can play a role.
  • Age — the condition occurs more frequently in older people. Additionally, women are three times more likely than men to develop carpal tunnel syndrome, perhaps because the carpal tunnel itself may be smaller in women than in men.
  • Medical conditions, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid gland imbalance can play a role.


  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb and next two or three fingers of one or both hands
  • Numbness or tingling of the palm of the hand
  • Pain extending to the elbow
  • Pain in wrist or hand in one or both hands
  • Problems with fine finger movements (coordination) in one or both hands
  • Wasting away of the muscle under the thumb (in advanced or long-term cases)
  • Weak grip or difficulty carrying bags (a common complaint)
  • Weakness in one or both hands

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should consult the Weston chiropractors at Windmill Health Center as soon as possible. The earlier CTS is treated, the quicker the recovery.


Both Dr. Browner and Dr. Behar feel strongly that early diagnosis and treatment are important to avoid permanent damage to the median nerve. Without a doubt, chiropractic manipulation has shown to be the most effective method of carpal tunnel treatment. Fortunately, for most people who develop carpal tunnel syndrome, proper treatment usually can relieve the pain and numbness and restore normal use to wrists and hands. Our goal at the Windmill Health Center is for our carpal tunnel patients to be pain-free and on the path to health and wellness!

While some physicians will prescribe medications or inject cortico-steroids to temporarily relieve pain and swelling, it does not treat the root of the problem. Other medical doctors will recommend surgery. Before this highly invasive procedure is considered, you should consult out Weston Florida chiropractors first.

Why? Windmill’s 10 years of chiropractic experience has shown that not all wrist pain should be called CTS. Our chiropractors will determine, if in fact, the symptoms are being caused by the pressure on the nerves of the wrist, or if there is a different cause of the problem. It is VERY common for these types of symptoms to exist when there is a neck misalignment, history of auto injury, or other spinal conditions. The nerves of the neck control all the nerves of our arms and hands. If the nerves of the neck are being compressed, wrist and hand pain is a common symptom. The Doctors of Chiropractic at Windmill Health Center are trained to determine whether your condition is a true carpal tunnel syndrome.

Secondly, there are many chiropractic procedures that have been proven to be successful in the treatment of carpal tunnel.

Some common treatments our Weston chiropractors use for carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Manipulation of the wrist, arm, and upper spine: Misalignment in the spine could contribute to symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Both Dr. Browner and Dr. Behar perform adjustments (also called spinal manipulations) that aim to correct improper alignment in the spine. They may also adjust and treat other areas of the body as needed, including the wrist and arm.
  • Ultrasound therapy: This therapy uses either very high-energy or low-energy sound, both of which are outside the range of normal human hearing. Sound waves can relax muscles, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation.
  • Wrist supports: Wrist supports seek to keep the wrist in the proper alignment and can be used to treat or prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, applying cool packs may help reduce swelling from inflammation.
  • Flexion/distraction
  • Massage therapy
  • Electric muscle stimulation

When you come into Windmill Health Center, our Weston chiropractic physicians will perform a comprehensive physical examination and possibly x-rays to correctly diagnose your condition. More importantly, when you leave our Weston chiropractic facility, your relief over time from chronic pain can be life changing. We’ll have you back on the tennis courts and at your keyboard painlessly in no time!