Ever wonder why an extremely irritating or an absolutely pest of a person is called “a pain in the neck?” This is because neck pain is just as annoying!
The neck has the important task of supporting the head and protecting all the nerves running from the brain down to the rest of the body.
It is because of this stressful task that everyone is sure to experience a form of neck pain at some point in their life. Incredibly, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.
Whether your neck pain is chronic or acute, you should contact the Weston chiropractic clinic at Windmill Health Center. According to studies by the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research, early chiropractic treatment can prevent long-term neck problems.
Even if you come to our chiropractic physicians at the Windmill Health Center complaining of neck pain, we will evaluate your spine as a whole. Dr. Browner or Dr. Behar will check your neck (cervical spine), mid-back (thoracic spine), and low back (lumbar spine). It’s important to examine the entire spine because even though it’s just your neck that hurts, other regions of the spine may be affected.
We’ll talk to you about areas of restricted joint motion, disc injury, muscle spasm, and ligament injury. We’ll feel for tenderness, tightness, and how well each spinal joint moves. We’ll analyze how you walk and look at your overall posture and spinal alignment to determine how well your spine is working or moving.
Once we have conducted a thorough chiropractic exam, we will confer with you on a course of treatment. Your course of treatment may include:
At Windmill Health Center, we are “whole person” chiropractic physicians who view neck pain as unique to each patient. Therefore, we won’t focus on just your neck pain. We’ll talk about stress management, and lifestyle goals because all of those can add to neck pain, so you need to address them if you really want to relieve your pain.
The philosophy of our Weston chiropractic clinic is that prevention is integral to long-term health. We’ll teach you how to prevent neck pain by using good mechanics and maintaining good posture. We see you as a “whole person” not as a pain in the neck!
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