7 Ways to Naturally Relieve Acute and Chronic Pain
For the 100 million Americans for whom chronic pain has become a disease in its own right rather than a set of symptoms, painkillers and surgery were the only two possibilities they thought they had to manage pain and be able to get on with their lives. Fortunately, today’s pain specialists are doing more than […]
4 Ways You Probably Start Your Day Off Wrong – And Unknowingly Compromise Your Health
It’s almost 7 a.m., and your shrill alarm sound knocks you out of bed. The sudden blare shocks and confuses you, so you rush around the room, with your still-foggy mind already filling with outfit choices and worries of being late. You barely have time for a sip of coffee, rushing into a day that’s […]
Running Barefoot: Getting Back to Nature or Asking for Trouble?
A recent trend in the running community is running barefoot. Those who have ditched their running shoes say that running barefoot provides a more natural approach to running, and consequently, reduces injury. Others believe that barefoot running puts more pressure on the feet which could ultimately lead to future problems. So which side of this […]
Pain Relief for Headaches through Chiropractic Therapy
Suffering from intense headaches can significantly alter quality of life in numerous ways. Headaches can lead to irritability and strain relationships at home and at work, making it difficult to concentrate when it is important to be mentally present and even rob you of any sense of relaxation or respite. For some people, chronic headache […]
What if You Don’t Believe in Chiropractic? Are There Other Alternatives?
Some people are referred either by doctors or insurance companies for chiropractic treatment in Weston, but feel skeptical because they do not “believe in” chiropractic treatment. Weston chiropractors often find this kind of statement to be confusing, somewhat akin to saying one doesn’t believe in brushing his teeth. On its surface, it seems to imply […]
Chiropractors Offer a Range of Services
Those seeking Weston chiropractic services may be surprised at the many advances in techniques and cutting-edge technologies that make the field as exciting today as it has ever been in the past. Many of the diseases and conditions that are conventionally treated through surgical procedures can be effectively addressed, and much less intrusively, with Weston chiropractic services. […]
Can Smoking Contribute to Back Pain?
We have known for years, despite corporate campaigns to the contrary, about the negative health impact on individuals who smoke. That’s an understatement. Not only can and do smokers find themselves with cancer and shortened lives, people who inhale the smoke secondhand can also develop cancer and poor health effects due to cigarettes. Though you […]
Chiropractic Therapy Can Help Your Arthritis
If you are one of the more than 46 million people in the nation who suffers from some form of arthritis, you know how debilitating arthritis pain can be. Though there are many forms of arthritis and many related conditions, chiropractic therapy in Weston or wherever you live may be able to help increase your […]