We have known for years, despite corporate campaigns to the contrary, about the negative health impact on individuals who smoke. That’s an understatement. Not only can and do smokers find themselves with cancer and shortened lives, people who inhale the smoke secondhand can also develop cancer and poor health effects due to cigarettes. Though you may not think of this as a common topic of conversation to be heard at a chiropractic clinic in Weston, FL, there are implications of smoking that may continue to surprise you.
Not many people are asking for a warning on tobacco labels about the danger of cigarettes contributing to back pain, as well, but there is a very real sense in which this is the case. According to several recent studies, including a significant study conducted by the Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch, the incidence of chronic back pain is significantly higher among smokers than for non-smokers.
A chiropractic explanation would suggest that smoking deprives spinal tissues of having enough oxygen, which can result in back pain. The deficit of oxygen is the result of an impaired blood flow that results from smoking cigarettes. It’s possible that some people find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle: back pain caused by smoking and smoking as a coping mechanism for back pain. A part of a solution is to restore blood flow by visiting a chiropractic clinic in Weston, FL to begin to learn how to optimize your body’s maximum health.
Chiropractors Dr. Browner & Dr. Behar and staff at Windmill Health Center chiropractic clinic in Weston, FL can provide therapeutic solutions for chronic back pain in conjunction with their commitment to help every patient realize optimal health. Chiropractic care, massage therapy, and practical advice on how to deal with issues such as quitting smoking are addressed often at our chiropractic clinic.
Chiropractic Clinic Weston FL – For those who are seeking a chiropractic clinic in Weston, FL, the professionals at Windmill Health Center can relieve suffering due to injuries, pain, and lack of mobility, as well as provide counsel with regard to lifestyle factors, such as the effects of smoking. For more information regarding chiropractic treatment services available at Windmill Health Center, visit https://windmillhealthcenter.com/ or call 954.217.4881 to find out what treatment options are available and to schedule your appointment.