What Your Gait Can Tell You About Your Back Health

When you stop to think about it, our feet and ankles are quite amazing. Composed of 26 bones and 33 joints, this intricate system provides balance for our entire body when we walk, run, stand, and jump, all without the need for a second thought. But did you know your feet can also help diagnose […]

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

For many, the concept of having a massage is considered a luxury expenditure; it is often likened to an indulgence such as one might enjoy once a year when on vacation or retreat. But there are specific types of massage therapy that are beneficial to one’s overall health condition, as well as in impacting specific […]

Massage Therapy Helps with Sciatic Pain

Sciatica is a word used to refer to any weakness, pain, tingling, or numbness in the leg that is the result of damage to or pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that it renders a person practically immobile. Usually, sciatic pain is only one-sided. Anyone in Weston who has […]